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Worcester Park


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Books worth reading

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Deco for Divers
A Diver's Guide to Decompression Theory and Physiology

Mark Powell
Award winning Deco for Divers provides a comprehensive overview of the principles underlying decompression theory. Mark Powell has written a book that for the first time allows the average diver to fully understand the principles behind this fascinating aspect of diving.

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Deeper into Diving

John Lippmann & Simon Mitchell
Deeper into Diving is for the diving enthusiast, the experienced diver, the technical diver, the dive instructor and dive medical professionals. It contains information on a variety of decompression procedures and technical information that is not easily obtainable.

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Diving and Subaquatic Medicine

Edmonds, Bennett, Lippmann & Mitchell
Considered an essential resource by many in the field, Diving & Subaquatic Medicine remains the leading text on diving medicine.   

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Women and Pressure: Diving and Altitude

Fife & St Leger Dowse
Women and Pressure is a remarkable look at women's progress in the fields of diving and altitude. With content ranging from a history of women divers, combat pilots, and astronauts to the unique physiological characteristics of females working and playing in altered barometric pressure environments.

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Manual of Freediving

Pelizzari & Tovaglieri
Is the first comprehensive manual that teaches how to hold the breath, stay underwater longer, and descend deeper into the blue. This is the definitive guide for the aspiring apneist. It is also useful for scuba divers who wish to breathe, relax and equalise easily underwater.


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The Last Attempt

Carlos Serra
The true story of freediving champion Audrey Mestre and the mystery of her death.

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Ocean Gladiator: Battles beneath the ocean

Mark Ellyatt
Mark tells of scuba diving adventures spanning 12 years. Twelve chapters outline a shaky start learning to dive in Mexico, life as globe trotting dive instructor and successfully becoming the world's deepest scuba diver, amongst other hair raising diving projects. Mark recalls the how ant the why of some of the most adventurous scuba dives ever conducted in an effort to educate and entertain novices and experts alike.

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Under Pressure: Diving Deeper with Human Factors

Gareth Lock
Most incidents and accidents are down to 'human error'.
This is a globally-unique book containing decades of research and practice from high-risk domains translated into the world of recreational and technical diving.

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Intro to tech diving
Technical Diving: An Introduction

Mark Powell
Mark gives a straightforward account of technical diving and dispels many of the myths surrounding this area.
It explores what is meant by technical diving, what is involved, the risks that are involved and how you can move to this type of diving.


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